Tuesday, 6 March 2012

What the fuck is stopping me??

It's pretty amazing to think that around 280 days or so ago I started this list and I haven't actually done much on it. Apart from starting to learn 30 songs and apart from getting a new job (Night Receptionist in a hotel) which I have now been fired from as my night manager was a horrendous, conniving, nasty, sick minded, twisted, evil fucking evil goblin. I haven't done much of this list at all and the are really no reasons as to why I haven't. I suppose I had to change my whole sleep pattern which really fucked things up as I didn't see many people or do many things. It was weird but I suppose it isn't really much of an excuse.

Anyway. I am now not working nights, I have seen daylight and people in a normal way. Apart from having a really shit situation with money, I am actually feeling alive again which is a  feeling that I haven't had for a long time. It is the 7th of March. 2 minutes into the 7th of March. 2 days to go before I am 30. It is shit. But I guess it's onward and hopefully upwards.

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