Tuesday 30 July 2013

Number 7. I registered with a dentist.

Believe it or not, I didn't realise that unemployed people like myself get free dental care. All this time I was wondering how I needed to get a job to pay to go and see a dentist and being worried about how much it would cost. When it cost me nothing.

I did a quick search on the internet for local dentists. I saw one near me, called them over the phone expecting to have to wait a few months before I could see one and that the waiting list would be huge. The receptionist said:-

"Can you come in tomorrow?"

And so I went. And then I went the next day too. And then the week after. After quite a bit of work, a filling here and there...and there too, they referred me to another dentist who will have to take a tooth out as it has damaged another tooth etc.

I hadn't been to the dentist for 15 years.

Number 7 is done.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Being 31

Well seeing as I didn't do most of the things on my list before I turned 30, what chance is there of doing them after turning 31? It can either go 2 ways. One being to really go for it and knuckle down and try and do all of them no matter what or the other way can just be to excuses to wait to do them and unfortunately I have done the latter.

I find myself out of a job and things are pretty difficult. I moved away for a while and tried my hand in managing a hotel. It would have been amazing, however the owners were utterly repulsive so I left.

So what now? What does society tell me to do? Force me to do? Am I supposed to have had kids by now? Married? A car? A mortgage? I have none of these things. Does that make me a failure?

Why is it so difficult to get the ball rolling? Why do so many people seem to live life so normally and why is it that they seem to have things falling into place? Why is it that I try so hard to do the right thing, to make something of myself, to be a better person and yet I seem to always end up in the same place.

My father passed away a couple of months ago. Life is too short.

And yet I still can't seem to do anything.