Thursday 18 August 2011

Number 20

Not being fazed when people shout abuse at me.

I suppose that this is one of those mind over matter things. If someone shouts some kind of abuse to you, what do you do? Do you say something back? Ignore it? Be annoyed about it? What?

99% of the time, when someone does shout abuse at me, they aren't on their own. There are always at least 3 of them. You can't really say anything back unless you are willing to get into a fight with the odds not being in your favour. So the best thing you can do is ignore it. However this really isn't as easy as it sounds. You can ignore it, but it might affect your mood during the rest of the day. If it's a one off, it probably wouldn't matter, but when you are constantly getting abused throughout your life, you can't help but question why the fuck people have to behave like this. Twice last week people in groups shouted things at me. I had a bottle top and then on another day, some chewing gum thrown at me.

These kind of things aren't easy to ignore.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Number 12 and Number 27

I've started posting songs on you tube. Covers. As written in my other blog, apologies to any songs that I might cover that fans of the song might say I killed. I tried my best!

Currently I have posted 4 new songs that I learnt and I am in the process of learning more that I like but can't yet play. So according to Number 27 on my list (learn 30 new songs), I might as well post all the 26 new ones that I learn.

I don't think I'm much of a singer/guitarist or anything! Eep.

Or type in "Mukesh is singing songs" or "EchoFalls1982"

Monday 1 August 2011


I realise that it has nearly been 5 months since I turned 29 and I am nowhere near halfway of going through the list yet. But this doesn't mean to say that I am not in the process of going through it. When I first started the list, I thought that I would just go through it and then when it's the time for my 30th birthday, I would finally feel good and better about myself. I didn't think about any setbacks that may occur during this period of time.

But I am still determined to focus on this list, no matter what happens.